September 25, 2019 By: m

Extended summer

I thought the limas and cowpeas were done for, and maybe the limas are, but the cowpeas seem to be having a rebirth.  Tomatoes are still performing, and the weather has gone from scorching to mellow.

Purple hull cowpeas

Pink tomato varieties:  Missouri Pink Love Apple (delicious) and
Mrs. Maxwell's Big Italian (so-so)

Fall peas - 'Improved Maestro''s another photo dump post.

I've been planting bulbs and more bulbs in the tulip beds.  I'm excited to see how they look in the spring.  Knowing I was going to be planting so many bulbs this year, i purchased a bulb planter.  The difference between using it and digging holes is immense.  It was a great investment, even if I never plant another bulb.  Which, of course, I will!

I've also added (right sidebar) Breck's to my list of places where I get my plant material.  While I've received some things that didn't make it, they have lots of desirable plants (not just bulbs), and they're very good about guarantees (lifetime!) and customer service.  They also send lots of pretty pictures in ads...beware. The drawback is that most of their bulbs are shipped direct from Holland, so they can be in transit for a month or so, which probably explains why some things don't survive.

The perennial bed is filling out.

Gaura and 'Blue Spire' Russian Sage

Roses are struggling, but producing some beatiful blooms.

'Pat Austin'

'Razzle Dazzle' rose bud

Red 'Grande Amore', yellow 'South Africa', godenrod, 
'Strawberry Fields' globe amaranth and lavender

This is the first time I've ever seen a wolf spider carrying her babies.  They're the only spider that does that.  Why aren't they called possum spiders?

Don't see her? 


 Enjoy your extra summer.

Early foggy morning in the garden


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