July 06, 2020 By: m

The garden doesn't mind when the temperature holds in the 90s

It grows abundant.

Come on in...

I keep cutting back the grapevines or they'd be in the neighbor's yard by now.  (I'm slightly exaggerating.)  I'm trying not to be impatient for the grapes to ripen.

The 'Henderson's Bush' limas I planted from last year's saved seed are perking along.

The peppers are fruiting...

And the cucumber vines are at the top of the trellis.  I've harvested already a half dozen cucumbers.

Onions are doing well.

As I need them, I'm thinning out the rows.

Okra plants are just about knee-high.

'Carmine Splendor' okra, jalapeño peppers and 'Purple Ruffles' basil

The Mexican sunflowers (tithonia) were spreading out and covering the basil in front of them.  I should never have planted the basil there.  It gets crowded and shaded from all sides - something it really doesn't like.  Now that I've ruined the tithonia, I'm going to have to try to transplant the basil anyway.  

I'll move it to the better spot where I have other basil growing and hope for the best.

The marigolds I planted around the melon cages have filled in beautifully, and if they're capable of discouraging raccoons, they'll certainly be well positioned.

I saw a new insect pest the other day.  I had to search out its identification online.  It turns out to be the milkweed tussock moth (aka milkweed tiger moth).  Very pretty, but also very destructive.  Unfortunately, I had to spray them, because they were set to strip the milkweed, which is food for monarch butterflies.


They look like fishing lures.

I didn't see any adults, so I had to look those up online, too.

Interesting, but not worth providing habitat for.

I harvested five whole blackberries recently.  This is the second year for the 'Navaho' blackberry shrubs, and the first time more than one blackberry at a time was ripe enough to pick.  They didn't have a lot of flavor.  It's a thornless variety, and often, breeding to change characteristics of a plant loses another characteristic.   So, it's a bit disappointing.

Over on the compost heap, a lone 'Jarrahdale' pumpkin is growing.

Looking forward to more harvesting.  And lots of weeding.

Stay safe.  Stay well.  Till next time.

'Yellow Butterflies' mullein

Happy Birthday, Jean.


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