May 05, 2024 By: m

Last post for this blog

I've had to move from my country home in Missouri to a city home in Illinois.  I'll have some gardening ability here, but it will mostly be landscape beds, so I don't plan to blog about it.

I tried to plant carrot, chive, and lettuce seed in pots here, but the squirrels immediately dug up the carrot pots and waited for the lettuce to germinate before digging in those and the chive pots.  I did put some dill and cilantro in a flower bed, and so far, they've not bothered those areas.

I managed to dig up and transplant a number of flowering plants which, thankfully, seem to be thriving, except for the coral bells and coneflowers, which the rabbits are eating.  I've ordered some repellant spray.  

I planted five new varieties of tulips last fall before I knew I would have to leave, and it being the wrong time to transplant tulips, I don't know if the ones I dug and brought with me will survive.  It was worth a try, though, as I'll never see them in Missouri again anyway.  (In fact, I postponed my move until after the tulips bloomed so I could see them at least once.)

This last post, then, will be essentially a photo dump of what I took and what I left behind.  I thought I'd be able to load plants onto the truck with my belongings, so I dug up lots before I found out that wasn't going to be possible, as the truck would be in transit for a week.

'Sylvestris' (species)




So, instead of taking personal belongings in my car, I loaded it down with plants.

One must decide what's important!

Prior to the digging and moving, early spring plants in the tulip and daffodil bed were in full glory. 

First to blossom is always the crocus.

'Ruby Giant'

Following soon are the mountain lilies (Ixiolorion).

And the daffodils.


'Pink Charm'

'Cassata' (and creeping phlox)

Pasque flower and rock cress are among the earliest bloomers.

Then come the tulips.

'Shogun', a species variety

Not all tulips are perennial.  In fact, most aren't. The lily flowering and species tulips are, as well as the Darwin hybrids.   Fortunately, one of my favorites, 'Slawa', is a lily flowering type.  


The new ones for me this year were all lily flowering types, because I finally learned what would last best.  And then couldn't stay to enjoy them in subsequent years.




'Quebec' and 'Thalia' daffodils

'Mariette' (lily flowering) and 'Peppermint Stick' (species)



I did get some beautiful bouquets before I left.

I shall miss my garden.

If you're gardening, keep at it, and enjoy every minute.



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