July 04, 2019 By: m

Critter control progress

For some reason, the raccoons have decided they need to dig up my new climbing rose, so yesterday (the second day of critter excavation), I removed the mulch, filled back in the soil they dug out and secured window screening over the soil surface before replacing the mulch.

It made it harder for them, but not impossible.  They were able to pull the screen up, lifting the staples right out of the ground.

So, today, I repaired the screening, replaced the mulch, and added another layer of difficulty.  

I don't expect they'll move the bricks (but I don't know!), however, I do imagine they'll make a mess digging around them before they give up.  

Fingers crossed.

So far in three days, I've trapped (and released on the other side of a river) four adults and a baby.  Here are two culprits pretending to be innocent:

Here's one who thought maybe if he pulled in all the plant material he could reach, it might help him out somehow.

He (or maybe she) also had the cage turned over on its side.  

And, for variety, one of the traps this morning held a possum.

As long as I don't trap a skunk, as happened one year.

Also, I found out how many days my small gaura plants could be dug up and be revived: three.  I lost six of ten.  So far.

I've got to trap all the scoundrels before this lovely melon matures.


On another note, I'm loving these daylilies.  Last year was so hot and dry they didn't bloom (which surprised me, because I thought daylilies could take anything), but there's loads of them now.

Happy Independence Day, everyone.  Be safe.  Play nicely together.


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